A couple of months later a baby Sun Conure was added to the roost. Des called it Strawberry, for its quilled red head looked like one.

Each one has its own personality: Little Snowy is an introverted Phlegmatic who prefers to stay in its cage and has only recently started interacting with me in little ways.

Cheeks is a happy little chappie who loves attention and is aptly called a lovebird.

Strawbs is a full blown sanguine, a demonstrative cuddler, who complains VERY loudly when not given attention and has consequently become the brat, whose noisy squeals gets it attention.

Pretty is definitely Choleric. It (proven to be a "he" after its second molting) has the neatest feathers, learns its words very quickly and has definite relational boundaries.

The parrots certainly keep us entertained. Pretty talks the hind leg off a donkey and recently acquired the habit of interjecting "Jaaaaa!" (South-African "yes") in exactly the right places of our conversations with each other. The latest addition to its repertoire is,"You must be nice to me!"
Apart from his whistles and calls, Koos has learnt to wave and say "bye-bye" and gives me a good night-kiss every night. When left too long in the morning, he starts calling, "Come!... Come!"
They all take turns sitting on my shoulder or on the perch next to my computer while I work or paint during the day. Night time they all get covered up and Strawbs has a special hanging blanket in her cage which she likes to cuddle underneath.
Every now and again Des threatens to buy a Macaw, Cockatoo or some other parrot, under strong objections from my side. But who knows - the bird family may still grow!
Dankie vir die stuk oor jou voels. Dit is te wonderlik om oor hulle te lees! (Carin)
You've brought these birdies to life! What wonderful and near- human personalities. Pics fantastic and the colours...only God can create something so perfect and bless us with His creation! It's definitely not just 'for the birds' - they enrich our lives too! Thanks for sharing - you made my day. Hope you have many happy years with your feathered friends/kids. I forwarded this to our equal animal-mad kids.
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